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Protect Video and Earn Profit with Microboards VideoWrite
April 13, 2009, Chanhassen, MN — Copy-protect your video content on a Microboards disc publisher safely and securely. Microboards Technology today announced its all-new VideoWrite software is available for purchase and will begin shipping immediately.
PrintWrite for Mac Now Shipping
March 16, 2009, Chanhassen, MN — Disc publishing just got a lot easier for Mac users. Microboards Technology, world leader in recordable media solutions, recently started shipping its popular PrintWrite software for the Mac and will be showing the hot new software at this year’s NAB show. Created by Microboards’ engineering team, PrintWrite was designed […]
PrintWrite 1.2 to Ship Tuesday, February 3
February 2, 2009, Minneapolis, Minn. — Microboards today announced that a new version of its award-winning disc publishing software, PrintWrite™ will be available tomorrow, February 3, and features support for legacy systems as well as several languages. PrintWrite is included with every new Microboards Publisher and is available as a free upgrade for existing users through the Microboards website at
Disc Creation Made Simple With PrintWrite, Microboards New Disc Publishing Software
November 10, 2008, Minneapolis, MN –Microboards today announced PrintWrite™, a new disc publishing software for Microboards disc publishers, is shipping. PrintWrite™ was designed from the ground up to make publishing CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs™ easier than ever before.
Copy Both Sides Of The Disc With A Microboards LightScribe Duplicator
October 17, 2008, Minneapolis, MN – Microboards today announced the release of their LightScribe duplication towers. Utilizing Microboard’s proven CopyWriter platform and the revolutionary disc labeling technology of LightScribe, a customer can now record and label up to ten discs simultaneously. The CopyWriter Pro featuring LightScribe is available immediately through all Microboards resellers.
Microboards Introduces LightScribe Media
August 11, 2008, Minneapolis, MN – Microboards today announced it has expanded its recordable media offering to include LightScribe CD and DVD media. This addition allows Microboards and its 1800 resellers to service a larger market segment of the LightScribe recorder install base.
Microboards Offers Extended Warranty on Disc Publishers
August 11, 2008, Minneapolis, MN — Microboards now offers one- and two-year extended warranties beyond the original manufacturer’s warranty on its disc publishing equipment, duplication towers, and auto-printers.
Microboards Enhances Dual-Drive CopyWriter Live Audio CD Recorder
Minneapolis, MN –February 4, 2008 – Microboards’ popular CopyWriter Live can now record simultaneously to both recorders
Microboards has begun shipping its CopyWriter Live with the ability to record live CD Audio to discs to two recorders at the same time. The new feature allows users to have two copies of an event immediately after recording it. Ideal for environments producing many discs live, users can initiate copying in more than one duplication system using the two masters, or use one for immediate playback or review. -
Microboards Brings Flash Duplication to Content Distribution Market
Minneapolis, MN –January 7, 2008 – In a shocking move in the optical industry today, duplication leader Microboards Technology announced an offering of hardware and supplies for duplicating on Flash media. Known for its broad range of DVD, CD, and Blu-ray duplicators and printers, Microboards has expanded its offering to include the write-many media that is taking the data world by storm.