Microboards Boosts Disc Publisher Offering with Mac Software

Microboards Technology will begin bundling DiscLabel Limited from Smile Software for the Mac for use in designing and printing disc labels with all Microboards Disc Publishers and Printers. DiscLabel is a full-featured application for printing CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. In addition, advanced features such as printing jewel case inserts or disc labels on equipment other than a Microboards Disc Printers and Publishers are available by upgrade from Smile Software.
Microboards, the leading manufacturer of disc publishing equipment, has already seen strong revenue growth through its alternative offering in the Mac market. “Our PrintWrite Mac offering was the market’s first stable platform for Apple-based disc publishing, and the market has been more than receptive to its introduction”, said Microboards COO, John Westrum.
Among its many features, the new label-design software includes the ability to import track lists and images from iTunes and other popular programs, a range of drawing and gradient tools and an extensive clip art library. “One of our favorite features is the unique ability to create and edit multi-line text laid out in a circle”, said Westrum. “The product was clearly designed by people who had thought through the unique needs when designing graphics for a round medium.”
DiscLabel Limited is being included on the installation disc along with Microboards’ renowned publishing software, PrintWrite Mac, in all Microboards products.
Microboards’ award-winning line of products is available through a worldwide channel of value-added resellers. It includes the compact and economical G3 Disc Publisher, and the high-yield, low-operating-cost MX Series of industrial disc publishers.
About Microboards
Microboards ignited the industrial disc duplication revolution in the 1990s with the CopyWriter Tower and continued its tradition of leadership with the first DVD Duplicators and other award-winning products. Today, Microboards continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning automated publishers and industrial disc printers.
Editorial Contact
Aaron Pratt, Director of Marketing
P: 952.556.1600 / E-mail: aaronp@microboards.com
8150 Mallory Court • Chanhassen, MN 55317