SAVE BIG: Bundle Microboards and TASCAM
Microboards has teamed up with Tascam to bring you a sweet deal when you buy the Tascam SS-R200
Recorder and a Microboards Flash Duplicator. You’ll save $100 when you buy them together, and be
ahead of the crowd in your recording set up. Whether you’re recording and sharing practice tracks with
the band or sharing the latest seminar or event with attendees, you want the Tascam – Microboards
team on your side!
Microboards' USB Flash Duplicators offer true standalone asynchronous operation regardless of the size
of the master content. Available in 7, 11, or 15-slot configurations, users can make up to 15 copies at a
time in a single system. Making copies with the CopyWriter Flash Duplicator is easy; simply insert your
master thumb drive, fill the remaining slots with blank devices, then press the OK button. Asynchronous
copying allows users the ability to remove and insert drives at any point during the copying process.
The TASCAM SS-200 Solid State Recorder - designed for the Broadcast and Contractor markets - record
in WAV & MP3 to Compact Flash, SD/SHC, and USB memory. The SS-R200 features parallel and RS-232C serial control balanced & unbalanced I/O, and coaxial digital I/O. It supports the RC-20 direct play remote for up to 20 tracks of flash start.